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0.75 CPD Hours

Riskinfocus 2024 – MasterClass: New World IP – Shifting Goal Posts After 24 Months on Claim

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  • Register your details and click through to read our range of articles to secure your CPD points.
  • Articles are sourced from previous Riskinfo reporting or direct from the contributor.
  • Every article and accompanying quiz has been assessed and approved by the Association of Financial Advisers Campus AFA Division.
0.75 CPD Hours

Riskinfocus 2024 – MasterClass: New World IP – Shifting Goal Posts After 24 Months on Claim

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7.75 CPD Hours

Riskinfocus 2024 CPD Bundle

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Numerous articles revolve around the life insurance narrative, while others relate to broader areas of relevance for all advisers, such as soft skills, regulation and compliance, professionalism and ethics, technical skills and other general competencies shared by all advisers and advice businesses.

Most articles or article sets will deliver 0.25 points’ credit towards one of the five CPD areas outlined by the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA):

  • Technical competence
  • Client care and practice
  • Regulatory compliance and consumer protection
  • Professionalism and ethics
  • General

Experience this easy-to-use service as you continue your efforts to build a great advice proposition in serving the best interests of your clients.

Click here to find out more from FASEA regarding the Continuing Professional Development standards the Authority requires you to meet and maintain.

…And take this link to access FASEA’s CPD log book template.

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