Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tag: accident

Case Study – Unsuccessful Job Applications and their Impact on TPD

In the case of Birdsall v Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd and MetLife Insurance Limited, the Supreme Court of New...

Case Study – Preston v AIA Australia

In this legal case, a carpenter who took out a life insurance policy with AIA Australia, took the insurer to court for refusing to...

Case Study – Insurance For Miners

This case study, provided by AMP, looks at some of the issues insurers need to address when considering the insurance cases of mining employees.   At...

Case Study – Ravesi vs National Australia Bank

In this legal case study, the client, Paul Ravesi, successfully argued that he was entitled to damages because his adviser, Peter Moore, an employee...

Case Study – Any Occupation TPD

In this claims case study, the adviser tells how she stepped in to help the client receive the TPD benefit they were entitled to...

Case Study – Young Life Cut Short

In this claims case study, financial adviser, Ted Zappara, shares the heartbreaking story of how he lost his daughter at the age of just...

Case Study – My First Claim (Craig Ball)

In this claims case study, succession and estate planning specialist, Craig Ball talks about how nervous he was when faced with his first claim,...

Case Study – Insuring Your Friends

In this claims case study, an accident left the client totally disabled. He later died from the condition. The claimant in this case study...

Case Study – Interpreting the Policy Intent (Example 1)

In this claims case study, the adviser was able to negotiate an overturn of the insurer's original decision to decline the claim by looking...