New AMP Life Insurance Training


AMP has announced the launch of a new training program for it staff, designed to boost specialist expertise in life insurance across the company.

Launched in conjunction with the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance, the training program is designed to increase knowledge and skills of AMP staff working in life insurance, with a particular focus on boosting claims and underwriting proficiencies.

AMP Director Product Manufacturing, Paul Sainsbury said the program is tailor-made to the life insurance industry by factoring into learning modules products, processes and distribution which will enhance the professionalism of candidates who undertake the program:

“The expertise gained from completing the qualification will allow our staff to deliver an even greater level of service to our customers and planners,” said Mr Sainsbury.

… 95 per cent of staff will remain at a company that is actively investing in their professional development

ANZIIF General Manager of Client Solutions, Mark James commented, “High quality training is crucial and our research suggests that 95 per cent of staff will remain at a company that is actively investing in their professional development.”

The program has an anticipated completion time of between 12 to 36 months.