Advisers Shopping Around for Dealer Groups


An unexpectedly high number of advisers are unhappy with their current licensee arrangements, according to Pinnacle Practice’s Anne Fuchs.

Ms Fuchs recently launched My Dealer Group, a service aimed at matchmaking advisers and dealer groups, and said she had been surprised by the level of interest from advisers.

“We expected that we would have to put a lot of energy into direct marketing to advisers to alert them to our services and let them know that we are here for them if they need help finding a new licensee relationship,” Ms Fuchs said. “However, what we’ve found is that advisers are calling us – it’s a bit of a surprise.”

The passion has gone, they’ve outgrown their current licensee…

She said the service was receiving multiple inquiries a day, with calls coming from advisers across Australia.  She also pointed out that some well-established, large practices had expressed interest in switching licensees.

“It’s love on the rocks for these advisers; they have clearly fallen out of love with their licensees.  The passion has gone, they’ve outgrown their current licensee and are looking for a new relationship to energise and motivate them.”