The adviser community seems very clear in its view that many advice practices are ‘under-weight’ in the level of business succession planning advice they should be delivering.
As we go to press, respondents to our latest poll agreed overwhelmingly (96%) with the premise that many practices were not delivering the level of business succession planning advice they could be.
Only four percent of respondents disagreed.
This latest poll stemmed from our report on the growth trajectory path being followed by Perth advice firm, Succession Matters, due to its focus on business succession planning advice (see: Business Succession Planning Growth…).
Too Complex?
Through Riskinfo’s many interactions with advisers and advice businesses over an extended period, we felt there appeared to be a predisposition among many that a business succession planning advice proposition can be too complex and require too great an investment in time, effort and expertise to justify the return this enhanced advice offer may deliver.
Succession Matters founder, Adam Smith, concedes any adviser/advice practice would require a base level understanding and competency around the fundamentals associated with business succession planning.
But he strongly believes most advice propositions, whether risk-focussed or holistic advice practices (subject of course to client demographics), have the capacity to travel this path.
Our poll is open for another week and we welcome your views…