ClearView Launches Policy Reporting Service


ClearView has launched a real time reporting tool for advisers recommending the insurer’s LifeSolutions suite of products.

ClearView MD, Simon Swanson
ClearView MD, Simon Swanson

The Adviser Reporting tool allows advisers to view their current inforce LifeSolutions portfolios and either search for clients or their policies and view download a Certificate of Currency, Policy Summary and full Billing Transaction information for that client or policy.

Advisers will also be able to download reports on inforce policies, dishonoured policies and pending lapses, lapsed policies eligible for reinstatement, and pre-renewals.

ClearView, Managing Director, Simon Swanson said the Adviser Reporting portal was a further step by the insurer to make it easy for advisers to do business with it and and complements similar online access available on the wealth side of the business.