Specialist risk adviser, Serena West, sends a message in this article about the importance of common courtesies and of process when helping someone through a period of grief. While many Riskinfo readers will already embrace the same approach in their dealings with their clients, Serena’s message serves to reinforce what’s critically important for advisers when the rubber hits the road at claim time…

When something very personal and difficult happens to a client and they enter the life insurance claims process, we as advisers have a duty to provide accountability, professionalism, and knowledge to deliver the best possible client experience. Understanding their concerns and assisting them in navigating through the claims process, whilst providing comfort and counsel, are also important functions of our role.

Clients often rely on advisers to be the expert at claim time, which is why it’s so important that we have our own set processes and work in partnership with the insurer and our clients to provide the best possible claims experience.

Strong communication skills are crucial in supporting clients through a claim

Clients who claim are often going through a stressful time in their lives. Therefore, I have found that one of the best ways to support them is through consistent communication, demonstrating empathy and understanding towards their situation.

One way to build trust and provide comfort is to educate the client on the claims process…

One way to build trust and provide comfort is to educate the client on the claims process and work with the insurer to establish realistic expectations and timeframes. There are a number of internal processes for life insurers once a claim is filed, so communication is paramount.

Throughout the claims process, there is a role for life insurers to work with advisers in supporting their conversations with clients, and this goes beyond claims consultants to internal specialist experts.

One way that life insurer TAL does this is through their Claims Hub – a digital platform that educates clients around the claims journey and provides enhanced support to those on claim. The Claims Hub provides clients with information around TAL’s claims paid, claims acceptance rates, explanations around why claims may be declined, as well as other stories of clients who have been through the claims journey. Taken together, these resources offer a level of visibility and transparency that can help someone going through a claim feel a sense of ownership on their situation.

If life insurers can play a role in supporting advisers to build better client relationships, they can also help us to enhance clients’ perceptions of the life insurance industry more broadly.

Providing a personal touch

As an adviser, it can be a delicate balancing act between providing information in a relatively clear and simple way and sharing difficult-to-hear realities.

Sometimes it’s as simple as reading a room for the little things. As an example, if I am seeing people at their home following a terrible event, I will expect the house to be in disarray, for my client not to look like themselves, and for children and other members of the household to be acting out or distressed. In these moments, I don’t wear formal business attire and tend to dress more casually. I’ll provide morning tea or coffees, speak carefully when around children, and make eye contact and smile if it’s appropriate.

The more we can create highly intuitive and personalised client experiences during claim time, the more we can generate better outcomes for our clients. Another way I show my clients that I care deeply on a personal level is by sending a simple early morning text message to let them know I am sorting things out for them or getting in touch after dinner with some words of reassurance so they can sleep more peacefully.

The importance of emotional support

The financial advice industry heavily relies on building trusted relationships with clients, and rarely is this more important than when the client comes to claim on their life insurance.

A little kindness and understanding during a difficult time goes a long way.

As advisers, the opportunity exists to look beyond ourselves and increase our empathy towards our clients during uncertain times, when they are seeking financial and emotional security.

Serena West is a specialist risk adviser and WA partner at risk advisory group, MBS Insurance, which is a corporate authorised representative of Bombora Advice. Serena has been focused on providing life insurance advice for over 15 years. She takes a hands-on role in assisting at claim time – approaching every situation with empathy and care.

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