MDRT March Roadshow Update


The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) has released more details about its March 2010 eastern states roadshows, which offer the opportunity to hear from some of the top advisers from around the world.

According to MDRT, the roadshow presentations are are designed to share with Australian advisers ‘… an array of sales and marketing ideas, concepts, insights and knowledge that can be applied and adapted immediately.’

International speakers include highly successful advisers from Canada and the United States, a number of whom rarely speak outside of North America, who will be able to relate their own experiences about what it takes to reach the top of their profession, and how to stay there.

The mix of speakers is different for each of the Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney presentations, so click the following links to find out dates and further details about the speakers in your state:

MDRT Brisbane Event

MDRT Melbourne Event

MDRT Sydney Event