OnePath Launches Adviser Kit for Parents


OnePath has launched an adviser tool kit which it says is designed to help advisers highlight to their clients the need to plan for their future.

The kit’s contents are based around the findings from research commissioned by OnePath, the results of which were released in June last year.  The research, entitled “Picking Up the Pieces”, was undertaken to determine the impact of parental death on Australian families. (See: Most Families Unprepared in the Event of Death)

Some of the key findings of the research included:

  • 63% of families had less than a week warning prior to their spouse or parent dying
  • 1 in 3 families moved house as a result of financial pressure within 2 years after the loss
  • 78% of children who had to change schools due to financial pressure, said their academic performance suffered post parental death
  • 75% of children who had to change schools due to financial pressure, suffered from depression, anxiety or panic attacks.

The kit contains a selection of materials to help advisers talk about the positive actions parents can undertake to ensure the best possible social, educational and financial outcome for their children if the worst should happen.


  • A brochure which provides an overview of the research and the tips for clients about how to have ‘the conversation’ about planning for the future
  • Three case study stories, two with and one without life insurance and the impacts after the death of a parent/spouse
  • A presentation template for advisers to use at client seminars
  • A letter which introduces the research, and outlines the insurance services advisers can provide
  • A press ready editorial to use in local newspapers or client newsletters.

The kit will be available for advisers to order from 25th February 2011.