The release of iExtend’s first Product Disclosure Statement attracted much reader interest this week…

Service provider, iExtend has released its first Product Disclosure Statement following the granting of the firm’s Australian Financial Services Licence.

With its AFSL finally signed-off by ASIC in early July following the regulator’s detailed review of iExtend’s business proposition (see: ASIC Grants iExtend AFSL), the firm’s inaugural PDS was released with an effective date of 8 August 2024.

As previously reported, the service provider had been operating since February this year under a Corporate Authorised Representative status while ASIC completed its due diligence of iExtend’s business model (see: iExtend Secures Interim Arrangement), which eventually culminated in the granting of the AFSL.

In confirming its interim status in February, the service provider stated the granting of an AFSL “…will further strengthen its offer to provide more Australians with the opportunity to extend the life of their existing life insurance policy … and follows proactive and pre-emptive consultation by iExtend with ASIC prior to its launch in 2022.”

To celebrate the granting of its AFSL, the firm has embarked on a national roadshow with its iExtend Exchange Forum members, a network of more than 150 advisers which was launched last year to facilitate the sharing ideas and best practice for the benefit of the life insurance industry.

Advisers and other interested stakeholders can click here to access the first iExtend Product Disclosure Statement.