Exclusive Real Estate Referral Opportunity for Sentry Advisers


Sentry Advice Group has partnered with the real estate industry to provide its advisers with an exclusive life insurance referral process.

The partnership, with Real Estate to Risk Referrals (RERR), will give selected Sentry life risk advisers access to a referral base from participating real estate agencies like the real estate agents Greensborough throughout Australia.

According to Sentry, the initiative, which it says is an Australian first, will provide new property purchasers with complimentary life insurance protection for 60 days.  In order to activate the cover, the customer will be contacted by a Sentry adviser, who will discuss their individual risk protection needs.

Sentry CEO, Murray Hills, said the RERR process will deliver a win-win outcome for customers of the participating real estate agencies and the dealer group’s life risk insurance advisers.

“Sentry is committed to providing programs and opportunities that assist our dealer group’s life risk insurance advisers to take advantage of new marketplace initiatives with outcomes that increase practice productivity and facilitate business growth,” he said.

Mr Hills explained that due to the need to provide a specialised protection facility, life risk insurance advisers would be carefully selected from the dealer group and invited to join the program.  Advisers in the program are required to undergo an extensive induction program conducted by Sentry and Business Health.

In addition, due to the number of referral bases available, Mr Hills confirmed that the dealer group would welcome other suitably qualified life risk insurance advisers interested in participating in the initiative under Sentry’s licensing arrangements.