Adviser Conference Choices 2013


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Our latest poll is asking you to consider which adviser association conferences you may be attending in 2013.

In 2012, we witnessed the most successful Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) Annual Conference since the Association’s rejuvenation over the last ten years.  And while the Financial Planning Association (FPA) took a break from holding a national conference in 2012, it has announced a new-look ‘Professionals Congress’ next year, which it promises will share best practice with other practitioners, and offer insights from local and international educators.

In recent years, the AFA’s annual conference has always been held in October, and the FPA’s a month later, in November.  Next year, these two major conferences will both be held in October, within the space of a single week.  The AFA ‘New Frontiers’ National Conference is scheduled for 13 – 15 October, on the Gold Coast, while the inaugural FPA Professionals Congress will take place in Sydney across 17 and 18 October.

While there are many advisers who hold dual memberships to these Associations, how many would be looking to attend both events, which are effectively being held ‘back-to-back’?   Meanwhile, as is the case every year, all advisers who hold a membership with either of these two main representative bodies, will need to weigh the cost/benefit equation in terms of their own time and expense, against the value they will gain from attending one or both conferences.

In a time of significant change within the financial advice and broader financial services industry, these conferences offer advisers an opportunity to access the latest news and views on the many issues that impact both themselves and their business. They also offer excellent networking opportunities with their fellow advisers and other industry peers.  But the relative  timing of these events in 2013 is not exactly ideal.

What are your intentions?  Tell us what you’re thinking…

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Editor’s Note: We also acknowledge the other adviser association conferences that will be held in 2013, eg the SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA) and the Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals (AIOFP) Conferences, but for the purpose of this poll, our focus is on what are considered to be the two major adviser association voices.