AIA Releases LIF Transition Tools


AIA Australia will provide financial advisers with tools and strategies to transition to the Life Insurance Framework (LIF) announcing the launch of a dedicated Business Growth Hub.

The hub will offer advisers tools and business strategies around services, fee for advice, client insights and technical support as well as access to industry experts and will be available online or through AIA Australia’s Client Development team.

AIA Australia's Chief Retail Insurance Officer, Pina Sciarrone
AIA Australia’s Chief Retail Insurance Officer, Pina Sciarrone

AIA Australia, Chief Retail Insurance Officer, Pina Sciarrone, said the hub was part of AIA’s efforts to help advisers shift to the LIF as well as retain and service clients.

“Advisers have many aspects of their business to focus on. Some may be working through their transition to LIF, others will be focussing on how to further acquire, develop and retain their clients and others will be seeking ways of making advice implementation easier,” Sciarrone said.

“The Business Growth Hub ensures business owners and advisers have quality resources at their disposal to seek advice on all aspects of growing, and refining their business.”

As part of the hub AIA will provide a smartphone app – AIA Connect – which will display all of the policies and applications of an adviser’s clients, including proposals in progress, dishonoured policies, and policies up for renewal, overdue payments or lapsed policies.



  1. What rock are you living under Pina ?? No matter what so called stratagies are put in place the adviser stands to lose up to 50% of their income that cannot possibly be replaced by fee for service or untried and tested idea’s on how to convince your clients your worth more money from them ! It has been said time and time again clients will not pay for life insurance advice unless its dressed up in an overall investment plan with the fee attached.{ that’s because they don’t know its in there!}
    If AIA or any other company for that matter want to really assist how about giving the advisers a share in their profits that what partnerships do don’t they ??

  2. Unbelievable! Save money by not doing this, cutting out useless overpaid BDM’s and execs and use the savings to reduce the enormous price hikes in premiums being forced on customers by AIA and other companies. Next stop the illegal consortium by AIA and other insurance companies under the title of the FSC from trying to destroy the adviser market and customer access to affordable insurance advice to simply increase profits and you just might have an idea that works!

  3. Pina we know AIA was part of the FSC group that thought increasing clawbacks in LIF to three years was a great idea. We are now focussing on what we can control which is not writing any more new risk business after 1/7/16 unless clawbacks remain at one year.

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