Saturday, July 27, 2024

Monthly Archives: August 2022

Advisers Favour Specialist Learning Streams

The results form our latest poll suggest strong adviser support for specialist learning streams to be included in future adviser education standards. Since we launched this poll last week, the Government has released a new...

Huge Impact, Great Opportunity for Advice Profession

Industry groups have heartily welcomed Treasury’s consultation paper outlining the interim findings and reform proposals for Michelle Levy’s Quality of Advice Review, saying the proposals will have a "huge impact" on the advice profession...

New Pathway for Experienced Advisers Proposed

The Federal Treasury has issued a consultation paper on financial adviser education standards which proposes removing the requirement for a bachelor’s degree if an adviser has 10 years’ experience, a clean record and has...

Scrap SoAs – QoA Review Recommendation

The Federal Treasury has released a consultation paper outlining the interim findings and reform proposals for Michelle Levy's Quality of Advice Review, in which some of the key recommendations include scrapping Statements of Advice...

Two Problems – Exodus of Advisers and Recognising Advice as a Profession

The Advisers Association says there are two problems currently facing the advice industry – the short-term exodus of advisers and recognising advice as a profession - and it's asking which of these problems Treasury...

Integrity Life Signs New Group Life Insurance Administrator

Integrity Life has announced Australian Group Insurances as its Group Life Insurance Administrator. The insurer says that AGI combines a custom-built digital cloud solution and administration technologies with group insurance specialists to deliver a customised...

Alternative Pathway Into the Financial Advice Sector

News of a fresh option for those seeking entry to the financial advice sector engaged with many Riskinfo readers this week, with this initiative from Kaplan intended to bolster the industry's talent pool of...

Call to Extend Freeze on ASIC Adviser Levy

A key industry association is calling for an urgent extension of the ASIC industry levy freeze. The call comes from the FPA which is seeking an urgent extension of the ASIC industry levy freeze beyond...

Adviser Numbers Still Strong

While latest adviser movements saw a slower week, the financial year still looks strong, according to Wealth Data’s analysis. The research firm's Colin Williams says the latest data shows a slower week with a net...

Specialist Learning Streams – Your Say

Our latest poll seeks your view on whether future adviser qualifications and testing requirements should accommodate specialist streams such as life insurance advice. While specialist learning streams have consistently been advocated by many in the...