Riskinfocus 24 Advice CPD Tour Kicks-off in Perth


Riskinfocus 24, Risk Advice CPD Tour kicked off in Perth yesterday, with a full house as members of the Western Australia’s financial advice community turned out for a full day exploring the latest developments impacting life insurance and life insurance advice in Australia.

Riskinfo director, Karyn Sobels, said the day had been an real success with each of the numerous speakers and panelists offering valuable insights targeted directly at risk specialists wanting to deepen their expertise and explore new markets, but also at ALL financial advisers seeking to offer risk advice more sustainably.

Karyn Sobels

“We’re really delighted with how the Western Australian advice community came from all across the state to attend.”

She says the adviser and licensee panel discussions were very well received as advisers heard from their peers on what was really working for them in a business sense and what wasn’t.

With great networking opportunities throughout the day, attendees are also entitled to up to 7.5 CPD points.

The next stop on the six-capital city Risk Advice CPD Tour is Adelaide later this week, followed by Hobart on Tuesday, 12 March 2024, ahead of the three remaining one-day events scheduled for Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

The Adviser Panel at Riskinfocus 24, Perth