Asking For Referrals – Tips for Advisers


Getting new leads is as easy as asking your existing clients to “pass it on”, according to Financial Writers Australia.

An article in the consulting firm’s April newsletter to advisers suggests that newsletters produced by advice practices can become a referral source simply by including a comment or request at the end of each article which recommends the reader pass on the newsletter to family and friends.

One example offered is the following for use in emails:  “If you found this article of interest, please forward it on to family or friends.”  This comment is then linked to the “send to a friend” function of the e-news program.

For printed newsletters, Financial Writers suggest offering to supply readers with additional copies if they are interested in sharing it with others.

The article points out that the key is to prompt the reader for a referral: “Most of us are so busy these days that a little prompting can make your newsletters go much further afield,” it says.

This simple idea can have the effect of increasing the value of adviser communications to their clients, with Financial Writers reiterating that asking for referrals is the most cost effective form of marketing available.