Latest Poll – Untapped Opportunities?

My advice business could be doing more to deliver intergenerational life insurance advice services.
  • Agree (72%)
  • Disagree (18%)
  • Not sure (10%)

Our latest poll seeks your view on whether there may be untapped potential in your business when it comes to the question of life insurance advice for the children and grandchildren of your pre and post-retiree clients.

Specifically, the poll is asking whether you could be doing more in this area; not whether you should.

As we’ve noted on previous occasions, the make-up of every advice practice contains its own unique set of fingerprints – its own DNA. So, just because there may well be more that you could be doing to serve the life insurance needs of your clients’ broader family group, there may be entirely valid reasons that prevent you from doing so, including the fact that your key priorities lie elsewhere.

That said, we’re still interested as to whether you think there is indeed untapped potential in this space, regardless of whether you’re in a position to explore this yet-to-be navigated pathway to a new advice opportunity.

As we’ve reported elsewhere this week, huge numbers of Australians are without any life insurance cover and many of those have no intention of seeking it in the future (see: Staggering Number of Australians Don’t Have Life Insurance). This report coincides with Chris Unwin’s contention that many advice businesses are missing a trick in under-servicing the insurance needs of their clients’ children and grandchildren (see: Missed Opportunities…).

Perhaps you agree that engaging with the younger generations of your mature-age clients can be one part of the answer to the challenge of reaching the millions of Australian consumers who currently hold either inadequate levels of life insurance cover or none at all. Perhaps you don’t! But either way, tell us what you think and we’ll report back next week…